Why there was an outage for my site recently - 2

Unlike the previous one, this was not because it was costly. This occurred because I wanted to update WordPress to 5.6.

The WordPress 5.6 update is actually fine as is but I’m running this site as a docker with proxy through HTTPD.

This for some reason caused a permission issue while updating from the dashboard because I was using a bind mount to the docker /var/www/html location to the /opt/wp-files location of the server.

Since the wordpress was not updating due to permission issue, I tried changing the permissions and that did not work. So I thought I’ll change the deployment from docker to usual LAMP server, but this had another issue because the DB was also docker. So I made another docker compose file to just run the MySQL container but even after port binding to the server, the local LAMP installed wordpress was unable to connect to the DB

So I changed the original docker compose file to include the bind mount only to wp-contents and the rest will be loaded from the container. This fixed the update issue as wordpress was automatically updated from the container.

But this means I have to make another php.ini configuration to upload files larger than 2MB and that I did by referring here.